Never in the history of German licensed football have so many spectators attended Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 matches as in the 2023-24 season. The 36 professional clubs sold a total of 20,737,276 tickets, marking the first time that more than 20 million tickets were sold for the 612 matches available across the two licensed leagues. The record from the previous season was surpassed by 981,811 tickets, an increase of almost five per cent. The statistics are based on the number of tickets sold, including complimentary tickets, as has been common practice in other leagues since these figures were first compiled.
Bundesliga |
Bundesliga 2 |
Licensed football |
Spectators – total |
11,925,726 |
8,811,550 |
20,737,276 |
of which: season tickets (total) |
6,718,077 |
4,524,533 |
11,242,610 |
proportion of season tickets (relative) |
56.33% |
51.35% |
54.21% |
of which: day tickets (total) |
5,207,649 |
4,287,017 |
9,494,666 |
proportion of day tickets (relative) |
43.67% |
48.65% |
45.79% |
Paid admissions, per match |
38,973 |
28,796 |
33,885 |
of which: season tickets per match |
21,954 |
14,786 |
18,370 |
of which: day tickets per match |
17,019 |
14,010 |
15,515 |
The Bundesliga sold 11,925,726 tickets, which corresponds to an average of 38,973 spectators per match. The decline of 8.1per cent compared to the previous season, when nearly 13 million tickets were sold, is due to the composition of the league. FC Schalke 04 and Hertha BSC were relegated after the 2022-23 season, two clubs whose maximum stadium capacity is around four times higher than that of promoted clubs 1. FC Heidenheim 1846 and SV Darmstadt 98. At 95.2 per cent, the average occupancy rate at Bundesliga stadiums was above the previous year’s level of 92.6 per cent. Overall, 15 out of 18 Bundesliga clubs achieved an occupancy rate of more than 90 per cent.
95.2 %
was the average occupancy rate at Bundesliga stadiums
Meanwhile, the Bundesliga 2 has set new standards for ticket sales. 8,811,550 tickets were sold, around two million more than in the 2022-23 season, in which 6.78 million tickets were utilised. On average, the 18 Bundesliga 2 clubs attracted 28,796 spectators per match, 30 per cent more than in the previous season. A look at the history shows that the record is not a random outlier, but a new peak in the course of a long-term development. Ten years ago, in the 2013-14 season, an average of 17,853 people watched matches live in the stadiums, almost 11,000 fewer than today.
The Bundesliga 2 venues had an average occupancy rate of 82.7 per cent, a significant increase compared to the previous season, when the occupancy rate was 74.5 per cent. 12 out of 18 second division clubs recorded an average stadium occupancy rate of more than 80 per cent.
Spectator numbers
Bundesliga, Bundesliga 2, Licensed clubs
The Bundesliga remained the leader among the top European leagues in terms of average attendance per match in the 2023-24 season – ahead of the English Premier League, Italian Serie A and Spanish Ligue 1. The Bundesliga 2 only recorded a slightly lower average attendance than the leagues in Italy and Spain, and has already overtaken French Ligue 1. It is far ahead of all second leagues in the top 5 European nations.