DFL Economic Report 23-24

The image appears to be a screenshot from a video or sports broadcast showing a soccer game in progress. In the background, there are spectators, and in the foreground, a soccer player is captured mid-action on the field, likely playing for one of the teams in the match. The watermark "ROMPA" suggests that this image may have been processed using an AI application to enhance the experience or provide additional services related to the broadcast.

Economic figures

Results and indicators

Due to rising costs, the Bundesliga 2 recorded a negative result. Overall, the clubs spent €33.1 million more than they earned. Eight clubs generated a profit, compared to eleven in the previous year. On an EBITDA basis, 16 clubs recorded a profit. The average EBITDA of the clubs and limited companies was €3.6 million, totalling €64.1 million and therefore only slightly below the previous year’s figure.

Bundesliga 2

(€ 000s)

64,098 98,532 66,924 2023-24 2022-23 100,000 80,000 60,000 2021-22

Total result
after taxes

(€ 000s)

–40,000 –20,000 0 2021-22 –9,545 2022-23 –2,196 2023-24 –33,126

Number of clubs with a positive result after taxes

2023-24 8 2022-23 11 2021-22 10