DFL-Wirtschaftsreport 23/24

The image shows a trophy with a ball on top of it placed indoors, with what appears to be a sports team or group participating in a celebration. In the background, there are spectators visible behind a protective barrier, suggesting that this is a private event rather than a public match. The atmosphere looks festive and celebratory.
The text and imagery on the trophy indicate it may be related to a football (soccer) competition, specifically mentioning "Liga de Quito," which could imply an affiliation with a team from Ecuador named Quito or associated with that city's league. There are logos of what appear to be sponsors or organizers.
There is no visible text within the trophy itself, and the background is mostly out of focus with emphasis on the celebration. The photo seems to have been taken quickly without much attention given to the background, thus the rest of the environment isn't distinctly visible.


Zeichen gegen Diskriminierung und für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt

TOGETHER! STOP HATE. BE A TEAM. Diese Botschaft stand im deutschen Profifußball zu den Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus 2024 im Mittelpunkt.

Rund um den 26. Spieltag der Saison 2023/24 sendete der deutsche Profifußball ein klares Statement für Vielfalt, Respekt und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Die gemeinsame Botschaft von Clubs, DFL und DFL Stiftung lautete: TOGETHER! STOP HATE. BE A TEAM. Der Aktionszeitraum erstreckte sich parallel zu den Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus vom 11. bis zum 24. März.

In den Stadien wurde das deutlich sichtbare Logo der Aktion auf Ballstelen, Spielbällen und Auswechseltafeln platziert, wie unter anderem die nachstehenden Impressionen zeigen.

Das Bild zeigt People at a sports event who are protesting against hate speech and racism as part of a campaign to "Stop hate, be a team." It appears that the event is taking place during a soccer game, given the stadium seats, grass field, and players in the background. The flag, reading "TOGETHER STOP HATE BE A TEAM," serves to promote unity and respect.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

This is a black and white photo showing an event related to soccer, which appears to be a referee holding up a sign with the number "62" on it. The setting looks like a packed stadium, as indicated by blurred crowd members in the background and team personnel or officials in the foreground who seem to be involved in the match or game, given the presence of yellow cards. The overall scene suggests intense competition due to the context of a sports event.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image is a photo with an overlaid digital collage that resembles puzzle pieces interlocking, predominantly in the colors of blue and green, giving it a stylized appearance reminiscent of a computer or puzzle game graphics. This graphic overlays the original soccer match scene featuring players, referees, and people off the field. The soccer match is underway with a player about to kick the ball, while other players and coaching staff are observing the action. Behind them, several referees in their jerseys can be seen holding signaling cards, a common sight at professional soccer matches. At the center of the collage, there's a sign with text that appears to translate into English as "Together we become stronger", indicating this image may serve an advertisement or promotional purpose for a team or organization related to soccer.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image you've provided appears to be a real-life photograph showing a sports commentary setting with two individuals present. In the foreground, there is an individual holding a microphone with one hand and what looks like a pen or pencil in the other. This person seems to be wearing a jersey with the word "BUND", indicating some association with a team or organization.
In the background, partially blocked by the first person, stands another individual who is holding up their arms. They are dressed in black and are also wearing a jersey with the team name, but it's not fully visible from this angle. Behind both individuals, there's an item of sports commentary equipment – a microphone on a boom arm. The atmosphere suggests a live sports event or commentary session.
The logo in the top left corner indicates that the equipment and perhaps the team belong to "Deutsche Telekom," which is known for its work in telecommunications in Germany.
It's important to note that the text is not in English, but rather in another language, which I believe is German. If you need a description of what is there or a translation of the text, please let me know!

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image shows a young person wearing a soccer jersey with the sponsor "Deutsche Star" visible on it. They are looking off to the side, their attention focused away from the camera. The jersey has what appears to be a team logo and the number "18" in purple text on the back. There is also a slogan or text on the front of the jersey, but due to the resolution and angle of the photo, it is not possible to read it. The person's hair is red and stands out against the white background of the image. The individual has a serious expression while looking at something off-camera. There are no visible other players or individuals in the immediate vicinity, suggesting that this could be an individual portrait rather than a candid moment from a soccer game.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image you've provided shows a colorful soccer ball placed next to a goalie net or frame, which is characteristic of the sport of football (soccer). The colors on the ball are arranged around a central white pentagon and vary depending on which part of the world the ball is manufactured. This particular design includes elements of stars and stripes, among other patterns. The text "DEBYS" is visible in the bottom left corner, which likely indicates the brand of the manufacturer or sponsor of the ball. The rest of the image features a dark background that contrasts with the vibrant colors of the soccer ball, putting it prominent focus of the photograph.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

Das Bild zeigt eine Wiege im Innen einer Geschäftskette, die offensichtlich zum Thema Unity & Stop Hate belongs. Vorgeschichten auf der Wiege sind Kleidungsteile und einige Zeit vorher eine Anzeige für eine Sportbekleidung, die den Spruch "Together we stand to stop hate" trägt, der als Unterstützungsfonds für Opfer der COVID-19-Pandemie gilt. An den Fahnen und Kleidungen sind Handschuhe als Teilstücke angeklippt. Die Anzeigen auf der Wiege werden ausgestrechten Tischen vorbeigesehen und von Kunden durchblendet, um Interesse an das Angebot zu wecken. Das Bild wurde in einer deutschen Buchtätigkeit verwendet, um eine Wissensvermittlung über Gewerksicherheit darzustellen.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image shows a wet scene, possibly outdoors, where a small item on the floor is positioned as if it were placed for someone to look at or interact with when viewed from a certain angle. In the background, there's a sign that reads "Sponsored By," followed by two vertical bars and a blurred logo in between. To the right of this item, on the ground, there appears to be text which includes phrases such as "STOP HATE BEAT" and "TOGETHER WITH" at the top of a banner that is not fully visible due to the weather conditions suggested by droplets of water above it. The bottom row of letters might read "BEAT" but it's difficult to discern from this angle. To the right, there's a blurred image or object, possibly a piece of electronic equipment or sign with more text on it which is too small and blurry to provide detail.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image shows two individuals at a public event outdoors during the daytime. On the left, there's a person wearing glasses and holding a jersey with a sponsorship logo visible on it. There is a man standing to his right who appears to be interviewing him or engaging in conversation. Both individuals are dressed in informal attire suitable for public events or sports announcements. There is also what seems like a microphone, indicating an event that might be broadcasted or where a speech or announcement is about to take place. The setting suggests this could be a promotional event for a football club or related event.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image shows a team jersey with the number "10" on it, and the name of a team above the shirt. On the chest area, there is sponsor branding. There are slogans such as "TOGETHER WE ARE A TEAM" indicating a team ethos or values statement. The top part of the image shows a bumper sticker with its own message related to inclusivity and stop hate, which appears to be an anti-hate sentiment. The photo seems to have been taken from inside a vehicle, as evidenced by sunlight shining on the jersey's upper left side.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image shows a pack of playing cards displayed on a reflective surface. In the background, there is text in German that translates to "Together: STOP HATE BECAUSE WE ARE ONE." However, only the second word ("STOP") and the phrase "WE ARE ONE" are visible through the reflection. The image seems to be promoting an anti-hate message and appears to be related to a gaming or entertainment context.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

Das Bild zeigt eine Radioreporter-Tafelaufgabe, die eine fiktive Radiostation simuliert. An der Spitze des Standes befindet sich ein microfon mit einer Kugellage, während ein Schriftzubehör, möglicherweise der Name des Reporter oder das Logo einer Station, angebracht ist. Hinter dem Mikrophon stand die Radioreporterkapsel, als die Reporter persönlich zu hören vermuten.
Wie auch beim echten Radiosender würde das Mikrophon den Sprachstoff während der Übertragung von einem Standort auf eine Lautsprecher-Kette in Studio und Weiterleitung betreiben, um dem Hörer die rednerische Teilnahme der Radioreporter zu vermitteln. Die Tafel als Radioreporterkapsel wird als sichtbar markiert, um den Zuschauer beim Spielen aufzuweisen, dass keine wirklichen Reporter in diesem Moment an diesem Stand tätig sind.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image depicts a public stadium scene, featuring a banner displaying the message "Together stop hate. Be the change." This suggests that there might be a socially conscious event taking place on this field. The banner is pink, and it stands out on the soccer pitch with the visible blue of the pitch itself around it. In the foreground of the photo, there's an individual squatting down, holding up what appears to be a sign or a flag with additional messaging or imagery, though the text isn't legible in this image. The setting is a soccer stadium during the day under clear skies. There are no visible audiences or spectators, indicating either an early event setup or that the focus of the image was elsewhere, possibly on the banner and the individual with it as representatives of the event's message rather than the event itself.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

The image you've provided is a composite graphic of two photos, both featuring a person wearing a sports team jersey with the word "Together" written on it. The left side shows the back view of what appears to be a basketball player; the right side focuses on the front, showing the person's chest and abdomen area again displaying the "Together" message. Both images have a watermark saying "THE TEAM IS EVERYTHING," which reinforces the theme of unity and teamwork within sports teams. The background of the image is plain and does not distract from the central focus on the "Together" message and the team jersey.

Fotos: DFL/Getty Images/Christian Kaspar-Bartke, Alexander Scheuber, Lukas Schulze, Boris Streubel

Die Botschaft TOGETHER! verbreitete sich auch durch die Übertragungen der nationalen und internationalen DFL-Medienpartner. Digitale Aktivierungen sensibilisierten vor allem für Vorurteile und Diskriminierung im Alltag. Ein besonderer Fokus lag dabei auf der Betrachtung von Diskriminierung über alle Vielfaltsdimensionen hinweg – diese umfassen das Alter, die ethnische Herkunft und Nationalität, das Geschlecht und die geschlechtliche Identität, körperliche und geistige Fähigkeiten, Religion und Weltanschauung, die sexuelle Orientierung sowie die soziale Herkunft.

Eine Übersicht zu den Initiativen und geförderten Projekten der 36 Proficlubs, von DFL und von DFL Stiftung gibt es in Form einer Landingpage auf der Plattform #BundesligaWIRKT.

Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus

Die Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus gehen auf eine Initiative der Vereinten Nationen zurück. Als Aktionszeitraum werden dabei jährlich zwei Wochen rund um den Internationalen Tag gegen Rassismus am 21. März ausgewählt, in dem die Stiftung gegen Rassismus dazu aufruft, sich gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung zu positionieren. Bereits 2023 unterstützten DFL und DFL Stiftung zusammen mit den Clubs der Bundesliga und 2. Bundesliga die Initiative.